This is a freeware portal developed by portal developers as an introduction of Mac on to your own psp! This is NOT a HOMEBREW! Which means it will not harm your psp!
Virtual PC for Mac. This emulator by Microsoft aims to emulate Windows OS on your Mac. To exchange data with the PSP, Macs and PCs can write to on-board flash storage using Sony's Memory Stick flash cards via the PSP's USB 2.0 interface. Memory Sticks can store game data, as. RetroArch can run on the usual platforms like Windows, Mac OS X and Linux, but it stands alone in that it can support far more platforms beyond just that. We support operating systems that not even Microsoft and Apple themselves support anymore, such as macOS X on PowerPC Macs, and RetroArch being available on Windows OSes as far back as.
If you are not satisfyed, I will recommand this link since the features are more better!
If this does not work, you may request me (My email is
I will probably email you between the week the mail was sent and delete it in a week after the date that the email was sent (I need to manage the memory storage of my email!)
Lastly, this is the the best X5 Portal if you have an wireless internet connection in your house!
Installation for the first version:
3.Drag 'MACOSX' folder into PSP's COMMON section.
3.Drag 'MACOSX' folder into PSP's COMMON section.
4.Unplug the USB cord and go to the Internet Browser on your PSP.
5.Type in PSP's browser : 'file:/PSP/COMMON/MACOSX/main.html' without the quote.
-Filmware (either offical or custom filmware) higher than 2.50
Q.The file doesn't open.
Mac Os X For Psp X
2.Check if your filmware is higher than 2.75
A.I cannot insure every application does work. I tryed some of them, but it somehow doen't work.
1. Plug in your PSP into your computer using a USB-Cable.
2. Extract the folder in this '.zip'-file called 'Mac OS X Leopard' to the COMMON folder in PSP folder in your memorystick.
3. Plug out you PSP from your computer, and go to 'Internet Browser' on your PSP.
4. Type in this on your Internet Browser 'file:/PSP/COMMON/Mac OS X Leopard/index.html'.
5. Enjoy Mac OS X Leopard Portal on PSP!
-Filmware higher than 2.00+
Mac Os X For Psp
Note that some applications don't work like the links in the bottom.
Installation for the third version:
3.Drag 'macpocket' folder into PSP's COMMON section.
3.Drag 'macpocket' folder into PSP's COMMON section.
4.Type in PSP's browser : 'file:/PSP/COMMON/macpocket/boot.swf' without the quotes.
5.You should now see the Beta version of Mac OS Pocket Leopard!
-Filmware (either offical or custom filmware) higher than 2.75
Q. I can't open the file!
A. 1.Check if you typed the file's address right.
A. 1.Check if you typed the file's address right.
2.Reconnect the PSP and check if you put the file in the right place.
3.Get your PSP Flash enabled. You can go to the settings in your web browser (so go to internet browser in your psp and press the 'triangle' and find settings. Then, go into 'View Settings' and go down to flash and change it to on. For PSP 1000, if you can't enable the flash with the instructions given above, go to the main XMB then to the 'Settings' and browse for 'System Settings' and find 'Enable Flash Player'. If you want to continue, you must agree the 'Terms of Use' and get on to an internet connection.
If you have more question, please post it on the 'comments corner.'
1.Connect PSP to PC using USB cord.
3.Drag the 'X5' folder into PSP's Common Folder.
5.Go to Internet Explore on your PSP's XMB and type 'file:/psp/common/x5/index.html' (without quotes.)
-Filmware higher than 2.75 (ether offical or custom filmware)